Low-speed wind tunnels are primarily used for value transfer across various wind speeds
and can provide calibration, testing, and experimental means for the research, development,
testing, production, and use of wind speed measuring instruments. They are suitable for
artificially generating and controlling airflow to simulate gas flow conditions on physical
surfaces, measure the effects of airflow on physical surfaces, and observe fluid phenomena.
Key Features
▌ Airflow parameters in the wind tunnel, such as velocity and pressure, can be controlled
precisely and modified at any time.
▌ Wind tunnel experiments are conducted indoors, generally unaffected by atmospheric
environmental changes, allowing continuous experimentation with high equipment utilization.
▌ During wind tunnel experiments, test samples remain stationary, ensuring measurement
accuracy and safety.
▌ The entire system is computer-controlled. Controlled airflow is formed in the wind channel
through axial fan control. Additionally, the computer control system can collect, store,
and output wind speed and other data. The equipment features a high level of
Technical Parameters
Key Component Configuration
Wind Speed Standard Equipment
Overall Layout
The wind tunnel mainly includes: Power section, Wind channel section, Data acquisition
and control section, Standard testing system section
Figure 1. Plan View (Equipment Dimensions: Length 5300mm × Width 1300mm × Height 175mm)
Figure 2. Wind Tunnel 3D Schematic Diagram